mandag 29. juni 2009

its so many things i just don't understand, but im getting use to that fact, so that's not my main problem anymore. sometimes, okay i know that its not the case, but it seems like people benefit from knowing that its other people in the world having bigger problems. Im thinking, how can that make anything bather? Thats like bubble bad.

Have you ever sin the cute animals that is all over the world? If we dont take cere of the rain forest, or all the other trees everywhere, were are we sepose to get the air from? are we gonna sit here on erth, loving every thing to death? enjoying are life so much,that are grand children can only dream of ever growing up? this may sound crayzi to you, but its still the truth. We need to get are laysi asses out of are sofas and start walking to the shop instead of driven the 5min you wold probably use on walking? think about it, wold you not feel allot bather only by doing that little change???
Like people that have problems with overeating, okay, this i know what im talking about, i have bin having this problem all my life, before Gud healed me the day i got babtisd. Anyway tha fact is, i know just have hard this problem can be.
I think its important to ask our self why? Why are we humans always struggling for something? If its not food, its exercise, some people starve them self, because, they think that's the key for there happiness? some people use drugs or drink alcahol, but do you really get that happiness you are looking for? is it working for you? how do you know when you have all the things you want in life?

If you woke up to morrow, having all the things you want in life, wold you have felt different? i never thought about this before, but after i met Jesus it was like he showed me, with time, how t understand the only thing worth to understand, when it comes to this worlds knowledge. Nothing i worse than you think it is.

Okay im complaining allot, but you know that's something that makes me happy because i see the humor in it, if i never had anything to complain on, or if i just try to ceep it a in side, than my sole is gonna rotten for sure, its like, holding the shit i your hand dos not get your hands clean, for me it allot bather to trough the shit away just to see how stupid i were taking the shit up in the first place! And hopefully if im lucky everybody else will see it to, okay,think about it, if you Se somebody making a complete fool out of them self, its not like people is coming running from every direction lining up behind you, just so they can do the same mistake right? So im thinking, complaining is not necessarily a bad thing, sometimes it may actually be good, in some how.

Okay Maybe i like to complain sometime, and i admit it, its not like i want people to feel bad, its more because its my charm, and i like to think that it makes people happy. So what are you gonna say for your self, because your the one complaining about my complaining, that's like to in one, double standard in the same sentence, and you should get a Madel just for that! Im getting good at this positive suff now, dont you think?

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